Category: Stamped Concrete

Repair or Replace? How to Decide Which Is Best for Your Concrete

Repair or Replace Concrete

If you have concrete inside or outside of your home that is starting to crack and become unsightly, you generally have two options – repair or replace it. There are many people who choose to repair it, simply because it’s the cheaper of the two options, but is that always the right call? Before you… Read more »

Why Choose Concrete for Your Driveway

Concrete Driveway - 2 Car Garage

If you’re thinking about freshly paving or repaving your driveway, one of the first decisions you have to make is what material to use – concrete or asphalt? There are pros and cons to each, but in the cold climate of Minnesota, concrete can’t be beat. Customization and Long-Lasting Concrete paving is typically somewhat more… Read more »

Spring Cleaning Your Concrete Surfaces

Although concrete is pretty maintenance free, you should take some steps this spring to make sure your driveway stays as undiminished and welcoming as possible. After all, your driveway is the welcome mat of your home. Here are a few things to check now that the snow has cleared. Spring Cleaning De-Icer During the winter,… Read more »

How to Keep Your Concrete Counters Looking Great

Concrete Countertops

Whether you’ve recently installed concrete countertops in your home or you’re thinking about creating a custom concrete cast for your counters, you might be wondering how to keep them looking their best. Are the rules the same as they are for granite? Caring for concrete countertops is very different than caring for the quartz or… Read more »

Four Ways to Create a Unique Look with Concrete

Some might say concrete is colorless, dull and boring, while others – like the professionals at Templin Concrete Construction – might say that it’s anything but! We know how to make concrete visually appealing and truly unique using decorative concrete techniques and styles! Concrete can be used to create just about anything, from driveways and… Read more »

Energy-Efficient Benefits of Using Concrete

Concrete for homes

Our world is changing when it comes to home living and energy use. Many people, when purchasing or building a new home want to make sure they’re energy-efficient in all aspects. You never want to move into a home and find out it’s using more energy than it needs to. Luckily, concrete is very energy-efficient… Read more »

Stained Countertop? Remove It with Ease!

Concrete Countertop

We’ve all been there. Whether it’s on your clothes or on your countertop, stains can ruin your day. What can be even more frustrating is trying to remove the stain and having no success. Not all hope is lost, however, as there are actually a few simple methods that can remove the stains from your… Read more »

Concrete Projects for Your Backyard

concrete patio with fire pit on top

There are plenty of concrete projects that can spruce up your backyard for the end of the summer. Especially with decorative concrete, there are many sidewalk and patio options that have come a long way with numerous stamp patterns to choose from. Concrete Patios – A concrete patio can be a great addition to your… Read more »

Make Your Sidewalk an Attractive Piece to Your Home

a decorative stamped concrete walkway

There are plenty of ways to spruce up your yard and adding a sidewalk with some flavor and decoration will give your home a welcoming look. This is a great way to celebrate the nicer weather breaking through. At Templin Concrete Construction, we specialize in decorative concrete design, and we can make your yard the… Read more »

New Type of Concrete Could Offer New Options

Flexible Concrete

To the layman, concrete may all appear the same, but the truth is the concrete industry continues to evolve and innovate. As Archinect recently reported, researchers at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore invented a type of concrete that is not only bendable, but stronger than traditional concrete. While that alone is amazing, the scientists’ creation,… Read more »